
  一切要從與廣播媽媽Marizen女士(以下稱她的nickname"zen")的巧遇說起來。那天晚上,我與建德學校內友人心血來潮,相約到SM Mall吃晚飯。飯後,都從未吃過菲國夏季消暑勝品「Halo Halo」的我們,決定在商場內點一碗來嚐嚐鮮。無奈友人不闇英語,無法點餐,我也只好就硬著頭皮上了。正當我在店內,用我那蹩腳的菜英文和店員點餐兼聊天時,zen也在我的身旁買東西。可能是她看我與店員雞同鴨講,實在看不下去了;也許是她好奇怎麼有人可以用這麼破的英文存活下來。於是,她走向前來與我交談。

  接下來的談話內容,實在是平淡無奇、無足稱道,不外乎是不同國籍的人相遇後會有的家常話,諸如「你從那裡來?」「你從事什麼工作?」「你知道Halo Halo是什麼意思嗎?」「喜歡菲律賓嗎」「為什麼來丹轆」,抑或是「你去過臺灣嗎」「等一會兒要去那裡」之類的。談話當中,zen的女兒與外孫女也加入我們,我很本能地逗著可愛的小女孩玩。我們也行禮如儀的互相留下了也許未來永遠用不上的聯絡方式,最後互道再見。回到家後,心中一直盤旋著一個念頭:「zen告訴我,她的外孫女最近得了皮膚病,不知道有沒有好一點?」於是,鼓起勇氣傳了簡訊問候,並且感謝她當天晚上的熱情交談。很快的我得到了她的回音:「小妹妹已漸漸復原」。而這同時也是封邀請簡訊:「星期二早上有空嗎?歡迎來上我的節目」




Introduce myself
Hello my name is fang. I come from Taiwan. I am 32 years old. I finished my Ph.D program last year. Every male Taiwanese national must serve in the military. Of course I must too. That’s why I am in the Philippines. But I am not a solider. Actually, I am a Chinese teacher in KIAN TIAK school. This is another kind of service, we call it “Substitute Military Service”. The male who do the substitute military service have different kinds of job. Such as police, fire-fighter, doctor. social worker, diplomacy worker and teacher. What kind of service they do sometimes depends on what they learn before. My major is Chinese literature. That is why I am a Chinese teacher now.

I live in Tarlac city now. And I am teaching Chinese language in KIAN TIAK school since June. The students in Kian Tiak school can learn English and Chinese language at the same time. Furthermore, we teach students Chinese classic. In the new century, Chinese language is important, and Chinese culture is also important too. People who want to know Chinese people deeply must know something about Chinese culture. Last but not the least, Kian Tiak school is also a vegetarian diet school too. People who are vegetarian can also visit us. We can show you cooking demo.

I have no idea about Tarlac city before I come to the Philippines. I even never heard about this city. But now, I think it is a warm and friendly city. On the one hand, I appreciate Marizen’s invitation. Without her, I can’t be here to talk to you. On the other hand, people who played basketball always let me join them.

I will tell my friend that Tarlac City is soooo friendly.

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